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Why is it that 12 hours after the attempted NYC bombing, We knew everything there was to know about this guy.I mean think about it, We knew his name his age, The country he came from. We know how and why he got here, And how his family got here.Hell, they even told about the pipe bomb and what was in it. We had all this information.The FBI couldn't get out of its way fast enough.We found out his motives for doing what he did and his opinion about America.The only upside is that he was a blithering idiot without the concept as to how to construct a bomb, and the only person he hurt thankfully, was himself.  Here we are 4 1/2 months after the Las Vegas shooting and still nothing....NO-THING What do we know about Stephen Paddock? Hey, I'm not interested in saying he didn't play a part, Maybe he did, But whats with the secrecy? Where is the video of him dragging 1000 lbs of weapons and ammo up to the room.No foo...


  Trump's going down Trump's going down, Trump's going down, Hey, Did you Trump's going down?Won't be long before they get Trump.  -   TRUMP'S NOT GOING ANYWHERE, TheyARE That's all I hear from mainstream media and the fake news that runs it all. With some help from the government left, And some from the right.Yes, they are running scared.And run scared they should.Rightly so, However, You can run, But you can't hide. Nancey Pelosi and Chuck Schumer couldn't back-pedal hard enough to get out of bringing impeachment proceedings against president Trump. Do you know why they hate him so? Do you understand he wants to do good and create change in a government that hates good and hates change This truly is an interesting time to be alive.Every day there is some fake news organization having to eat crow about some grossly inaccurate statement they made.Some congressman.Some Senator, Some person of relative influence.Some dick running around blamingTrump...


Thank God the founding fathers saw, In their infinite wisdom to give us the 2nd amendment. " A well regulated Militia , being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed." Now, what exactly  IS  A well-regulated militia?  Some think that this means the Army or the Army National Guard in each State, which is regulated basically by the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ).  Others, however, believe that this refers to the Militias of the Several States which are made up of all the people within them, citizen soldiers who are well prepared and organized for the exercise of their duty to execute the Laws of the Union, suppress Insurrections and repel Invasions. I tend to make a strong argument leaning towards the latter, While it is true, We need a National Guard in place I doubt the Founding fathers saw that deeply into the future.At least the Militia we now ...

Comedians and mainstream media still demonizing Trump

This is frankly getting old.Comedians and mainstream media still demonizing Trump and offering nothing new.We still have to weather old meanspirited jokes that have long passed their expiration date, That was not all that funny, to begin with.I still say this is nothing more than sour grapes, How many Clinton supporters openly laughed at the idea of Donald Trump winning the election of 2016 and how they would move out of the U.S If he won.This truly is the gift that keeps on giving.I don't know of any of these people that actually kept their word, Being content to slam the president at every opportunity.  the unemployment rate is at a 16 year low. 7) Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act. 8) Gutted 800 Obama era regulations thus freeing up companies to hire again and get the economy moving once again. 9) Ended the war on coal and caused a new mine for coal mining to open that will mine clean coal. He also put the miners back to work. 10) Weakened D...

Violent crime across the border continues....

PresidentTrump was laughed at, ridiculed, And demonized for wanting tougher immigration laws and wanting to build the wall. Getting a huge amount of blowback for wanting to implament a temporary travel ban.Which we are in desperate need of. I remember Hispanics burning the American flag And protesting while proudly waving the flag of Mexico in the middle of the street, Protesting what?I wonder what would happen if they held a protest in Mexico. holding up traffic about 4 in the afternoon,2 maybe 3 months ago. Mostly just making a nuisance of themselves Democrat snowflake nobodies like Dianne Feinstein, Kamala Harris, And of course Jerry Brown sound off with disgust at the mere thought of President Trump wanting tighter border and immigration laws, Not only that, They have successfully implemented a law that makes California a sanctuary state. The violent crime from across the border has gotten way out of hand.The drug cartels and the Hispanic gangs they work fo...

Uranium what?

If you asked me about the possibility of yet another Clinton debacle, I would say surely, not again.But I would have to admit that I wouldn't be all that bloody surprised, Not with the Clinton track record and all that accompanies it.The Clintons really are the gift that keeps on giving, It is amazing the arrogance of these people. And the lengths they will go to in order to cover up their criminal enterprise.I have no doubt what-so-ever that the Clintons would  steal a hot stove and then lie about it. I can just hear them now talking about the absurdity of the deplorable right accusing them of stealing a hot stove, And saying it was everybody else who did it.There is a giant issue with Russia selling 20% of America’s uranium, The Clinton foundation ends up with 145 million dollars and Bill Clinton gets a 500,000 For a speaking engagement from a Kremlin-connected company financing the deal.And then there Barack Obama setting up a deal between Bill Clinton and the head of the Russia...

Socialism Like Communism sucks

Look.. Socialism will never work in any civilized society. Look at other countries across the globe.Socialism like communism has never worked in a free society. Criminal rogue Governments take the money from the poorest of the society and keep for themselves get it? pretty straightforward  It’s trickle-down economics in reverse. The globalist would love to bring it here to America, and they have succeeded to a certain degree. with the help of fake news.I had this conversation before, and I’ll continue to say it The Socialist criminals could care less about the people. Hate and greed is what they believe in., wanting only to wring out of you what they can.I think Margret Thatcher said it best, The only problem with socialism is that eventually run out of other people's money.   And then when your old tired and poor they are happy to send to a warehouse for old people where you will suffer and will die alone, I agree Socialism has remnants in the United States like Socia...


AN OPEN LETTER TO ALL THE HILLARY SUPPORTERS Here is an open letter to all the Hillary supporters Apparently, there are still some left-wing fruit-loop nut jobs out there, And they still have a giant issue with President Donald J. Trump.I’m sorry to hear about all your misgivings And hopeless heartaches. Let’s face facts, Hillary Clinton and the rest of her left wing socialist/Democratic Crony Capitalists phonies have failed you. You.But Fear, not things are looking up. We finally have a President that cares about ALL Americans.  The unemployment rate is at a 16 year low. 7) Signed the promoting women in entrepreneurship act. 8) Gutted 800 Obama era regulations thus freeing up companies to hire again and get the economy moving once again. 9) Ended the war on coal and caused a new mine for coal mining to open that will mine clean coal. He also put the miners back to work. 10) Weakened Dodd-Frank regulations. 11) Promotes buying and hiring American. 12) Investments from maj...


Hope you all are well.I try to write something interesting every week or so.Or whenever something happens.No shortage of issues to write about, as of late.I have been pretty vocal on Twitter lately, Haven't been censored yet, tho some have, I was under the impression that the Twitter forum was a place you could freely voice your thoughts, And have your voice heard.If that's, not the case, And conservative writers are being censored, Or in some cases blocked altogether, Kinda defeats the purpose.It seems that free speech is a pipedream, A story you used to bring up to your kids, You can't say what you want to say if it doesn't fit the cookie-cutter narrative of the liberal left.I Haven't heard of any liberal writers having any problems at all.  hmmm.Same with YouTube shutting down what they consider "fake news" With all the nonsense and such, pretty hard not to voice my opinion.But I digress Nov.4 came and went without too much ...


I know it's been too long since I last published.I have have been sitting back and watching.Pretty sure something is going on, I know you all may feel it too. So much to process.Fires in northern Ca.@ my front door, Shooting in Vegas, Riots in the streets Anti-fa threats of violence on November 4.Supposedly all hell will break loose. there's so much happening, It's hard to process it all.No way that was a lone gunman.Law enforcement has been no help @ all...All this smells of a cover-up...Too much not adding up Country music show, Full of white young people, Still piecing that deal together. No muzzle flash from the 32nd floor...many people saying multiple shooters Automatic gunfire all over the damn place..I've gotten this far tho, All those long guns in the hotel?He wasn't there to shoot the guns//he was there to sell the guns, Something happened tho, Man if he wasn't a gun runner I'm  not half as smart as I think I'm. He was a pilot, He had a s...

millionaire militants

As you all may know certain NBA and NFL athletes have become too good to stand during the playing of our national anthem or recite the  pledge allegiance.  The political correctness of this country has gone crazy.The arrogance of these people, R oger Goodell and Colin Kaepernick as well as many others have tried time and again to shove their opinions down America's throat.This is just a lack of respect and common sense.Do these people really think by disrespecting our flag they are somehow making a real statement? Do they think they are actually making the country a better place?If they are that misguided then let me clue them into what real people think about their lack of respect towards America.Viewership is way down, attendance to games way down sponsorship is way down opinions about the NBA and NFL from fans guess what?  way down.These athletes are hurting not only America, they are hurting their own game and hopefully their paychecks. What other ...


Just when you thought it was safe to go back on the internet.Hilary Clinton has returned, This time with a book. Jezzz not her again I would trade three Bernie's for one Hilary.NOT REALLY. On tv and the internet, It's Hilary'svoice next to her stupid book, complaining about everyone and every thing  Blaming everyone and everything as to why she lost the election.Is she serious?She spent the last six-months reflecting on her performance post election, And this is the best she can come up with?This is all she has... empty excuses.Let think back to all the help this woman had to get her in the White house.Hmmm....Well, she had her husband Bill Clinton, arguably one of the most likable Democrats to serve in office@ the time. She had Barck Obama touting what an obvious choice she was.And what a personal insult it would be to him and his presidency if she didn't win, Vice President.Joe, Biden went to bat for her.Then you have Michelle Obama speaking on her behalf at...


THE SOUTHERN POVERTY LAW CENTER The left wing liberal attack dogs have nothing to do with the south, poverty or law offering nothing credible, nothing new and certainly nothing of any substance what so ever.Just in case you have no idea what I'm going on about, Let me clue you in on this despicable group, And what there are all about.They're very effective at masquerading as civil rights organization they routinely attack conservatives and Christians and anyone else the find grievance with, They aspire to be America's supreme arbiter of what is and what is not HATE - oddly enough - Certainly in the favor of the mainstream media and never finding any fault in their actions.The thing about the Southern Poverty law center is their YOU GUESSED IT  political agenda They are a reckless group of anti-Christian anti conservative hate mongers If they have a problem with you or your organization They can put you on a list that may very well put your life in jeopardy...

Anttifa wannabe warriors of a lost cause

You all knew I was gonna cover these idiots.Jesus, from Charlotte to Berkley, From protest to protest and back again. these left wing nobody's keep showing up dressed in black carrying weapons beating up everyone they don't agree with. everyone is a Nazi, all white Trump supporters are racists.And now certain government officials are starting to condemn Antifa and their actions...finally what the hell is going on have we all gone mad ?? wrong with this picture? Has everyone gone mad? I saw a disabled man in a wheelchair being savagely beaten.A DISABLED MAN IN A WHEELCHAIR ... Did the police step in to help? I saw no one to help this man, No law Enforcement, Nothing but I saw lots of  Antifa wearing masks and carrying weapons damn srt8....Where did society go wrong?What has happened to the country I love, these are Americans fighting Americans What does this sound and look like to you? It's a civil war instigated by the globalists ie. George Soros...


President Trump has given stern warnings to the government of North Korea, after threats of missile strikes against the island nation of Guam. President Trump spoke of fire and fury that would befall the dictatorship if they, for some reason didn’t find common sense in their immediate future. Apparently, that wasn't enough to stop North Korea in dead its tracks stating it would weigh all options at this time regarding a missile strike on Guam. The regime has been more vocal than usual lately, and it apparently is starting to wear thin on President Trump’s ‘patience. The rogue state has continually made idle threats against the United States and her interests. This year alone North Korea has conducted 11 missile tests, with varying degrees of success, and last month testing an intercontinental ballistic missile said to have the capability of hitting the United States  But the potential danger doesn't stop there, Sitting 34, 30 km. From North Korea is the island of Guam, home to...

Ann Coulter Delta dust up

Ann  Coulter Delta dust up It seems Ann Coulter is again in the headlines from her outspoken bravado to her stance on illegal immigration she has yet again made the headlines if only in a modest way. The syndicated columnist/attorney’s   latest rants were aimed squarely at Delta airlines when they gave her seat to another passenger. But the issue didn’t stop there, What should have been a minor problem resolved from Coulter and Delta in a quiet and calm and meaningful manner without drama went on to tweets from both sides the more aggressive levied by Coulter herself resulting in a social media tirade and insults to Delta her crew and passengers. In addition to her tweets, she posted photos from her media device. It seems Delta’s response to all of this was quite congruent and appropriate states Forbes magazine. First Delta extended an apology to Coulter as well as refunding a 30 dollar upcharge for the seat. The response from Delta came back almost immediately stati...

Access to medical marijuana for veterans – denied

The Huffington post as well as numerous other sources report that The Veterans Equal Assess Amendment authored by Earl Blumenauer D-Oregon and Sen. Steve Diane’s R-Montana and Sen. Jeff Merkley D-Montana D has been defeated on the house floor, despite making it through both houses earlier this year included as part of a spending package providing funding for the Veterans Affairs Dept. In states where medical marijuana is legal. The long standing fight over fair access to medical marijuana for our veterans, The bill was shot down recently despite thoughts it would pass overwhelmingly from the House Conference Report on the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs and Related Agencies A closed-door committee blocking one of the most sensible and bipartisan pieces of legislation in recent years for our vets. The removal of an amendment to an appropriations bill that has been approved in both chambers is unprecedented and defies both logic and reason. Despite passing comfortably in the ...


FREE SPEECH? I love the fact that you're entitled to your opinions and beliefs so long as there the same as Everyone else's Gone is the days of free speech, free thinking, and free ideas. Where did all this go? what ever happened to freedom?We're on the wrong track if you value individualism today. Liberal snowflake Hypocrisy is the new rule of the day. Do we really have to raise our kids this way? Do we really Need to fashion ourselves in this manner?   I was raised to believe what I want, live the way I feel Inclined, you can't push your beliefs down other people’s throats. No matter if they have a liberal arts degree or not. They are trying to raise our children in their own manner.endoctination of their sick agenda. This must be the new European America. The new forward thinkers, God this must not be so. My way of parenting may be different from your, in fact it more than likely is, Educators have to Stay out of our business and stop indoctrinat...

What’s more important Military or economic power

I got that question about a week ago in Post Loop, it's a forum that I write at but anyway  The question is kind of a misnomer, where would this country be without them both? Without a strong economy, there would be no chance to afford a strong military.  There are different angles to the question as well. We need a  government to enact laws, rules, and regulations. A strong country needs a strong Government to carry them out. A strong Government must have an and up to date infrastructure, as well as a bulletproof foreign policy and good relationships with key governments. .there is likewise no substitute for national security. A country must have a way to defend itself along with its allies  Take one of these links out of the equation and the chain breaks. Pakistan has one of the strongest armies in the developing world. Its numbers and military arsenal are comparable to even some of the best. The nation spends roughly 4% of its GDP on defense...

Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance