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Anttifa wannabe warriors of a lost cause

You all knew I was gonna cover these idiots.Jesus, from Charlotte to Berkley, From protest to protest and back again. these left wing nobody's keep showing up dressed in black carrying weapons beating up everyone they don't agree with. everyone is a Nazi, all
white Trump supporters are racists.And now certain government officials are starting to condemn Antifa and their actions...finally what the hell is going on have we all gone mad ?? wrong with this picture? Has everyone gone mad? I saw a disabled man in a wheelchair being savagely beaten.A DISABLED MAN IN A WHEELCHAIR ... Did the police step in to help? I saw no one to help this man, No law Enforcement, Nothing but I saw lots of  Antifa wearing masks and carrying weapons damn srt8....Where did society go wrong?What has happened to the country I love, these are Americans fighting Americans What does this sound and look like to you? It's a civil war instigated by the globalists ie. George Soros and those who follow him, They have finally gotten what they want, and guess what we all helped.They set the stage they provided the exploit, Whether you find yourself on the left or on the right you gave yourself a reason to hate, you would have it no other way. in no way is the madness over, In fact, I fear it, just the beginning.
I condemn the violent left and right I do promote free speech,
And I can't stand the fact that people are being beaten for it. These people stir up trouble knowing what the end result will be.Fighting among ourselves is WHAT THEY against whites against Hispanics Is WHAT THEY WANT.It's a big set up, Can't you see we're not fighting our war, Were fighting theirs. Regular decent people don't give a damn about color, or religion arcane views of long ago that didn't even make sense THEN...
instead were concerned about real issues jobs, health care, where will our kids go to school will Ibe able to pay the rent, Car payment, Will my kids have enough to eat.These are important issues to real people, Not quibbling about
crap that has no bearing on what really matters
Come on people we have to stand up to all this nonsensical BS
If we do we will matter instead of them.
Our issues will matter instead of theirs....

All colors make a rainbow
A rainbow is Gods promise for hope

God bless America
Commander Taco


Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance

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