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Uranium what?

If you asked me about the possibility of yet another Clinton debacle, I would say surely, not again.But I would have to admit that I wouldn't be all that bloody surprised, Not with the Clinton track record and all that accompanies it.The Clintons really are the gift that keeps on giving, It is amazing the arrogance of these people. And the lengths they will go to in order to cover up their criminal enterprise.I have no doubt what-so-ever that the Clintons would steal a hot stove and then lie about it.
I can just hear them now talking about the absurdity of the deplorable right accusing them of stealing a hot stove, And saying it was everybody else who did it.There is a giant issue with Russia selling 20% of America’s uranium, The Clinton foundation ends up with 145 million dollars and Bill Clinton gets a 500,000 For a speaking engagement from a Kremlin-connected company financing the deal.And then there Barack Obama setting up a deal between Bill Clinton and the head of the Russian nuclear energy commission, Not to mention the Obama administration’s committee on foreign investments approves the sale oblivious to the concerns of Republican national security experts.Did I mention 7 of the 9 members of the said committee have ties to the what? You guessed it, The Clinton Foundation.
Geezz didn’t see that one commi’n Now, With all that, said Don’t you think there is at least probable cause to impanel a grand jury, If for no other reason than to ensure that there was no wrongdoing involved.To ensure all parties involved in this mess had no ill-intent.
However, We are talking about the Clintons and Barack Obama so…..
One thing is for certain Hilary and Bill will never pay for anything they’ve done.Too much money, power, influence, and friends.And with help from the media, And the entire Democratic party, And some help from the other side as well, I think we have the most useless Attorney General in recent memory.Too busy recusing himself to actually do his job.Is there no help available?No patriots who gives a damn?
Why is there no special counsel to investigate to see whats going on here? Why is Jeff Sessions so reluctant to do his job.Why is it taking this man months to respond to a congressional oversite committee?Why is the approval rating for congress 15%I think I may have an answer for you?
It’s all a big sham…James Comey says boo, And immediately there's an investigation on Donald Trump.
It’s been 3 years, What is Congress waiting for.They don’t even need Sessions to appoint a special counsel.They can do it themselves.Are we not tired of this cloak of secrecy that the Democrats hide behind?I for one am getting tired of the sidestepping and the tap dancing, Is there not an election in 2018?If Congress refuses to do its job, FineI’m sure Walmart is hiring for the holidays. .In the meantime, It’s time to lead, follow or get the hell out of the way…


Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance

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