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Socialism Like Communism sucks

Look.. Socialism will never work in any civilized society. Look at other countries across the globe.Socialism like communism has never worked in a free society. Criminal rogue Governments take the money from the poorest of the society and keep for themselves get it? pretty straightforward  It’s trickle-down economics in reverse. The globalist would love to bring it here to America, and they have succeeded to a certain degree. with the help of fake news.I had this conversation before, and I’ll continue to say it
The Socialist criminals could care less about the people.
Hate and greed is what they believe in., wanting only to wring out of you what they can.I think Margret Thatcher said it best, The only problem with socialism is that eventually run out of other people's money.   And then when your old tired and poor they are happy to send to a warehouse for old people where you will suffer and will die alone,
I agree Socialism has remnants in the United States like Social Security, Welfare and other entitlements which I have my own issues with. However, in the U.S. we are free to discover who we are and what we want from our lives, live our own lives without governmental handholding and meddling. Free to do what we want with our own life, money, and happiness. Does that not sound better? People wake up.
He who trades liberty for security deserves neither.
The United States is not a perfect society, But we are free to
Make our way and our own mistakes and continue to grow as a nation.
Surely this would not happen in the Socialist Republic.
Ladies and Gentlemen we have to figure this deal out before the decision is made for us.
Can u tell me of a single instance where Socialism actually turned out to be a better option? Half-hearted promises of trickle down distributed wealth. It's all a big a scam with the poorest of its people left out in the cold holding a wet paper bag. Make no mistake Socialism is about greed.  This is what Socialism looks and feels like. Yet it's touted by the left as God's holy perfection for economics.This is not life’s natural progression. Meanwhile, countries like Venezuela can’t afford toilet paper and food.they riot in the street, while the band plays on. How close are we to that very same vision here in America. I don't want to seem an alarmist, but I don't  want to seem an apologist either  The truth is, Socialism is nothing more than a clever ruse brought on by the most affluent in hopes of making its people needful sheep. By and large in that regard Are we any better off in the U.S.? Politicians try to curry favor with voters promising free this free that, Free everything free healthcare, college  Sanders had college kids eating out of his hand.just the mention of free anything without a clue as to how to pay for it.
 say Free college tuition and the voters eat it up. They can’t wait for their incentives. It's not free people.Someone always pays. And if you’re guessing I have a problem with Social Security, I do. I'm not saying grandpa and grandma need to lose their social security check, I'm saying the system is busted With the way, it’s being run now we’ll be lucky to have another 20 years left in the coffers, it too needs a massive overhaul and restructuring from the ground up. This time employ those who actually care about the job they've been elected to do.Maybe, just maybe if
American workers were actually paid a sustainable wage, Perhaps Social Security would go by the way of the Dinosaur, and the people of this great country would stop waiting for the Government to bail us out. In the end, you have to ask yourself which you prefer to be an overworked donkey or be a starving stray dog. I'm not crazy about either one. Are these our choices for Socialist America? Is this all we have?Are these our only options? Our kids are in school being indoctrinated to think and feel a certain way. Free speech is dead. We no longer have the luxury of saying what we feel save the politically correct police come and get us.   This is our fault for not stopping this in its tracks, 
I want my free this, I want my free that. I want my entitlements, and I want the government to pay for it. 
Don't you see this isn't freedom, its enslavement? Would you not rather work hard for what you have? And be proud of your accomplishments? There wouldn't be anyone standing there to take it from you. Your life is yours So are your mistakes, But at least you would have the freedom to make them and hopefully learn something in the process. Remember A Government Of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.

 "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety."

Benjamin Franklin



Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance

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