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Hope you all are well.I try to write something interesting every week or so.Or whenever something happens.No shortage of issues to write about, as of late.I have been pretty vocal on Twitter lately, Haven't been censored yet, tho some have, I was under the impression that the Twitter forum was a place you could freely voice your thoughts, And have your voice heard.If that's, not the case, And conservative writers are being censored, Or in some cases blocked altogether, Kinda defeats the purpose.It seems that free speech is a pipedream, A story you used to bring up to your kids, You can't say what you want to say if it doesn't fit the cookie-cutter narrative of the liberal left.I Haven't heard of any liberal writers having any problems at all.  hmmm.Same with YouTube shutting down what they consider "fake news" With all the nonsense and such, pretty hard not to voice my opinion.But I digress Nov.4 came and went without too much trouble, Save all the useless protests.Hating everyone with a different opinion, screaming @ people, Chanting senseless banter, Then Sunday the 5th.A truly terrible day for the whole state of Texas.A small church in a small town, That was the location of the worst mass shooting in Texas history with 29 members of the church congregation dead.Much more injured.This following an attack from a Muslim extremist in New York, Killing and wounding pedestrians and bicyclists as he plowed into them while driving a rented Home Depot truck,And the carnage does not end there,What was to be a festive evening at a country music venue in Las Vegas,Quickly turned into chaos and confusion as the worst mass shooting in America came to fruition.Not to mention the biggest cover-up since 911.I've been paying close attention to Scott Binsack on Twitter and YouTube link here    Scott Binsack
Mike Cernovich has been doing good work with regard to the Texas shooting Mike's Twitter page With respect to the Texas shooting, Keep in mind that the shooter was an Antifa member, And atheist, The recipient of a bad conduct general court-martial and if that's not bad enough, An escapee from a mental institution.And he still managed to get his hands on firearms. That is the fault of the Air Force.They dropped the ball, And people died,, and his social media pages confirm his association with the alt.left  Standing behind his Antifa flag, showing off his AR-15.This idiot was a train wreck waiting to happen.And sadly innocent people paid the price with their lives...

 Always check out Alex Jones @ to see the latest news
Of course, the Democrats wasted no time with their gun grabbing
rhetoric, Nevermind the fact the shooter was a felon and was not even supposed to have a firearm. If the gun laws worked the way they were meant to, maybe some lives would have been saved.
enforce the laws that are already on the books, start with that, Before moving forward.And to my readers, Look for the truth, Do some research Think for yourself, Don't blindly follow anyone. The truth is out there.As always feel free to comment, Tell me what your thinking.....
God bless you......
Commander Taco....


Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance

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