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I know it's been too long since I last published.I have have been sitting back and watching.Pretty sure something is going on, I know you all may feel it too. So much to process.Fires in northern Ca.@ my front door, Shooting in Vegas, Riots in the streets Anti-fa threats of violence on November 4.Supposedly all hell will break loose. there's so much happening, It's hard to process it all.No way that was a lone gunman.Law enforcement has been no help @ all...All this smells of a cover-up...Too much not adding up Country music show, Full of white young people, Still piecing that deal together. No muzzle flash from the 32nd floor...many people saying multiple shooters Automatic gunfire all over the damn place..I've gotten this far tho, All those long guns in the hotel?He wasn't there to shoot the guns//he was there to sell the guns, Something happened tho, Man if he wasn't a gun runner I'm  not half as smart as I think I'm. He was a pilot, He had a small plane.Secondary home in Nevada.
And he had a shit load of weapons.More than 1 shooter And I  Don't think he was one of em.Why didn't we see a shitload of spent shell casings on the ground in the hotel room, And outside on the ground?  @ least 2 belt-fed automatic weapons I heard from the audio thinking maybe 7,62 or bigger. There is so much info to fully process, But I'll get there.Check out health ranger on Twitter, He's got the audio of the gunfire broken down, Definitely 2 shooters maybe 3.....Also, check out Scott Binsack on YouTube, He's doing good work breaking down the sequence of events,    Infowars, com Do your homework as always search for the truth, It's out there.I have to think It's all connected somehow, Meanwhile, the left call for our guns only moments after the gunfire stopped.Hilary Clinton posted to Twitter blaming "silencers" Come on-obviously this woman has no idea what's shes
talking about.She relies on talking points and fellow gun-grabbers
to bolster her argument.Every time there is gun violence we get all the far left calling for more gun control, I think we need more Democrat and liberal control.I love the celebrities jumping on board the gun control bandwagon, These are the same people with bodyguards and private security everywhere they go, And I dare say without their guns there jobs would be less effective.Yes, ladies and gentlemen, things are getting a bit odd, Stay tuned in to Commander Taco's blog for more current events-something tells me there will lots to write about......

Thank you for taking time.........

.feel free to comment......


Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance

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