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millionaire militants

As you all may know certain NBA and NFL athletes have become too good to stand during the playing of our national anthem or recite the pledge allegiance. The political correctness of this country has gone crazy.The arrogance of these people, Roger Goodell and Colin Kaepernick as well as many others have tried time and again to shove their opinions down America's throat.This is just a lack of respect and common sense.Do these people really think by disrespecting our flag they are somehow making a real statement? Do they think they are actually making the country a better place?If they are that misguided then let me clue them into what real people think about their lack of respect towards America.Viewership is way down, attendance to games way down sponsorship is way down opinions about the NBA and NFL from fans guess what?  way down.These athletes are hurting not only America, they are hurting their own game and hopefully their paychecks. What other company would try to insult their own customer base?I don't get it.I do hope the NFL will start to see the error of their ways.America loves Football, But this is a slap in the face to all the Vets, All active duty, And everyone that loves this country.People watch football to get away from their work, Their jobs, And Their problems, Not to watch crybabies bitch about their perceived injustices.Personally, I'm tired of this nit-wits lack of respect toward America saying how they are taking a stand against oppression and social injustice.When was the last time any of these bozo's did anything positive for a country I dare say, Have been pretty damn good toYes, I know they have a hard job living in their mansions driving expensive cars and cashing there unreasonably heavy paychecks? All of a sudden they are all lovers of the constitution and the first amendment. This is a load of BS I don't buy it for a second.
If they love America soo much then just maybe, just maybe they should get off their asses and work to bring the country. together, actually try to do some good not drive a wedge thru the middle of it.All I've heard out of the players thus far is bitch about social injustice and oppression. I don't hear about any of them putting money, time, and effort to any of the so-called social injustices, not a word do I hear.Instead, they are happy to tear down America.I am growing weary of it. I know....they take a knee, or wave their fist in the air, moan, groan, complain and complain, But that's about the most I've heard from these
social injustice warriors, And guess what?I don't really expect a whole lot more out of them, It's time to kick the NFL where it hurts.All this is easily remedied, If the NFL is acting in a way we don't agree with, Stop buying their product.No more ticket sales, No more TV ratings, and more merchandise, And guess how long it takes for the decision makers to start making decisions in OUR favor.We are still their customers.  
When are these heroes going to be proud of a country that's given them everything they could ever ask for and more?Every opportunity every chance they ever wanted they got, And this is how they say thank you, Well this is how I'm going to say thank you by saying no-thank-you.
no more NFL no more viewership, No more merchandise no more ticket sales and no more fan base for me or my family/friends We collectively say no-thank-you..... 
The ball is in our court......


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Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance

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