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I love the fact that you're entitled to your opinions and beliefs so long as there the same as
Everyone else's Gone is the days of free speech, free thinking, and free ideas. Where did all this
go? what ever happened to freedom?We're on the wrong track if you value individualism today. Liberal snowflake
Hypocrisy is the new rule of the day. Do we really have to raise our kids this way? Do we really
Need to fashion ourselves in this manner?  I was raised to believe what I want, live the way I feel
Inclined, you can't push your beliefs down other people’s throats. No matter if they have a liberal arts degree or not. They are trying to raise our children in their own manner.endoctination of their sick agenda.
This must be the new European America. The new forward thinkers, God this must not be so.
My way of parenting may be different from your, in fact it more than likely is, Educators have to
Stay out of our business and stop indoctrinating our children to think to feel and act the same as
They do. Otherwise, we’ll have a dumbed down society of passive robots we have to come to a
Happy medium folks or I fear things will spin more out of control if they haven’t already.
God help us.


Commander Taco

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Commander Taco
Commander Taco was sent to tell the truth To fight the Globalist on there own ground I will be your messenger join with me together we are the resistance

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