The Democratic and the Republican parties together have failed us.They have effectively failed the American people they are enacted to uphold. Both parties are dirty, And more than that, They are unabashed in being dirty.I used to call myself a Republican, Mostly because The Democratic party had nothing to offer me and to vote third party, I always thought was a vote wasted, The differences, in theory, have changed little.The Democrat's rant for small government and more spending money.Meanwhile, On the right, they all about big government and you guessed it, more spending, When in reality,I can't tell much difference between the two parties.Sure they speak on different topics, They use different talking points. And they are equally good at blaming the other side for whatever "issue of the day" there is to quibble over.However, the end results have morphed from two parties acting very similar to two parties acting very different.The two-party system effectively snuff...
Why is it that 12 hours after the attempted NYC bombing, We knew everything there was to know about this guy.I mean think about it, We knew his name his age, The country he came from. We know how and why he got here, And how his family got here.Hell, they even told about the pipe bomb and what was in it. We had all this information.The FBI couldn't get out of its way fast enough.We found out his motives for doing what he did and his opinion about America.The only upside is that he was a blithering idiot without the concept as to how to construct a bomb, and the only person he hurt thankfully, was himself. Here we are 4 1/2 months after the Las Vegas shooting and still nothing....NO-THING What do we know about Stephen Paddock? Hey, I'm not interested in saying he didn't play a part, Maybe he did, But whats with the secrecy? Where is the video of him dragging 1000 lbs of weapons and ammo up to the room.No foo...